Promotions Between Kustomizations

In a typical containerized application we have a lifecycle that goes a little like this:

  1. Developers push code to an application repository.
  2. A pipeline builds the latest code and pushes the resulting image to a registry
  3. The pipeline updates the images: transformer in a Kustomization Overlay for the dev environment with the new image by using a command like kustomize edit set image
  4. A tool like ArgoCD picks up the new image and starts a new deployment.

This works well for the dev environment, but when that image needs to be promoted to a new environment like tst we either need to copy the updated image transformer manually, or try to read the updated version from the dev Kustomization.

And images are not the only thing. A typical Kustomize Overlay will include a versioned Base with something like this:

2kind: Kustomization

In this example we see that the Base that is being used comes from the Git tag or branch called v0.2.1. If a newer version of the application needs a newer Base a developer can update that reference in the dev Overlay, but promotions will need to be handled as well.

Simply copying the kustomization.yaml file between Overlays will most likely not work, since different Overlays typically use different Replica transformers, different ConfigMap en Secret Generators etc.

Read on to learn how you can automate this.

Image by Vincent van Dam

Writing a Visual Studio Code extension to chat with your code, an experiment

Chatbots everywhere, handy assistants in applications, AI is booming and particularly generative models. More than a year after the disruptive release of ChatGPT lots has happened. Language models are everywhere and tooling to run these are becoming easier as well. Let’s take one of these local serving models, Ollama and create a Visual Studio Code extension that will use this model server for answering questions about our code base using one of the community AI models.

OpenSource Logos

Praktisch elk Open Source project heeft wel een logo of een mascotte, maar sommige zijn bekender dan anderen, terwijl hun project of applicatie misschien wel heer erg bekend is.

In deze video laat Wander veertien verschillende logos zien, en jullie mogen raden van welk project ze zijn.