Multi-Tenant Policies op OpenShift met Kyverno

In een Multi-Tenant OpenShift (of standaard Kubernetes) omgeving wil je als beheerder je eindgebruikers soms de vrijheid geven om zelf Project(Requests)s of Namespaces aan te maken, maar wwel binnen vastomlijnde naamgevings protocollen. In het verleden hebben we al eens gekeken hoe je dit met OPA Gatekeeper kunt doen, en hoe je zelf een Validating of Mutating Admission Webhook kunt maken. Dit keer kijken we hoe je dit met Kyverno kunt doen.

In deze video laat Wander ons zien hoe met Kyverno dit soort policies kunt schrijven, en hoe je automatisch namespaces kunt laten labelen voor het gebruik van ClusterResourceQuotas.


Voorbeeld Code

De twee Policies zoals op het moment van publiceren van de video:

  • label-namespaces.yaml
     2kind: ClusterPolicy
     4  name: label-namespaces
     5  annotations:
     6 Label namespaces with quotagroup
     7 |
     8      This policy sets the `quotagroup` label on namespaces that did not
     9      already have that label to the value of their namespace prefix, splitting
    10      on the `-` character. This can be useful when combined with
    11      ClusterResourceQuotas and restrictions on waht namespace names users and
    12      serviceaccounts can create.      
    14  validationFailureAction: enforce
    15  background: false
    16  rules:
    17  - name: add-quotagroup-label
    18    context:
    19    - name: namespaceprefix
    20      variable:
    21        jmesPath: split(, '-')[0] 
    22    match:
    23      any:
    24      - resources:
    25          kinds:
    26            - Namespace
    27    preconditions:
    28      all:
    29      - key: "{{ namespaceprefix }}"
    30        operator: NotIn
    31        value:
    32        - openshift
    33        - kube
    34    mutate:
    35      patchStrategicMerge:
    36        metadata:
    37          labels:
    38            +(quotagroup): "{{ namespaceprefix }}"
  • restrict-namespace-names.yaml
      2kind: ClusterPolicy
      4  name: restrict-namespace-names
      5  annotations:
      6 Allowed Namespace Names for Regular Users
      7 |
      8      This policy limits the creation of namespaces projectRequests to the following:
      9      - Regular users can create Projects and ProjectRequest that:
     10        - Start with their own username  followed by a dash and something else
     11        - Start with the the same prefix as one of their groups. For exanmple
     12          a user in the groups ateam-devs and bteam-something-something can create
     13          namesapces that start with `ateam-*` and `bteam-*`.
     14        - Namespaces starting with `openshift-` are also allowed by this policy,
     15          but they are blocked by the default OpenShift controller for any user that
     16          is not a Cluster Admin.
     17      - Regular users with the permissions to create namespaces directly (most likely
     18        cluster admins) can do whatever they please directly with namespaces.
     19      - ServiceAccounts can create new namespaces if:
     20        - They come from a namespace with the `-cicd` postfix
     21        - The new namespace has the same prefix as the namespace the serviceAccount
     22          belongs to
     23        - ServiceAccounts from `openshift-*` and `kube-*` can do whatever they please.      
     25  validationFailureAction: enforce
     26  background: false
     27  rules:
     28  - name: user-validate-ns-name
     29    context:
     30    - name: allowedgroupnamespaceprefixes
     31      variable:
     32        jmesPath: request.userInfo.groups[?contains(@, ':') == `false`][].[split(@, '-')[0]][].join('-', [@, '*'])
     33    - name: allowedusernamespaceprefixes
     34      variable:
     35        value: "{{ request.userInfo.username }}-*"
     36    match:
     37      any:
     38      - resources:
     39          kinds:
     40            - ProjectRequest
     41            - Project
     42    preconditions:
     43      all:
     44      - key: "{{ request.operation }}"
     45        operator: Equals
     46        value: CREATE
     47      - key: "{{ serviceAccountName }}"
     48        operator: Equals
     49        value: ""
     50    validate:
     51      message: |
     52        The only names approved for your namespaces are the ones starting with:
     53        {{ allowedgroupnamespaceprefixes | join(', ', @) }}, and {{ allowedusernamespaceprefixes }}        
     54      deny:
     55        conditions:
     56          all:
     57          - key: "{{}}"
     58            operator: AnyNotIn
     59            value: "{{ allowedgroupnamespaceprefixes }}"
     60          - key: "{{}}"
     61            operator: AnyNotIn
     62            value: "{{ allowedusernamespaceprefixes }}"
     63          - key: "{{}}"
     64            operator: AnyNotIn
     65            value: openshift-*
     66  - name: sa-validate-ns-name
     67    context:
     68    - name: namespacepostfix
     69      variable:
     70        value: "{{ split(serviceAccountNamespace, '-')[-1] }}"
     71    - name: namespaceprefix
     72      variable:
     73        value: "{{ split(serviceAccountNamespace, '-')[0] }}"
     74    - name: allowedsanamespaceprefixes
     75      variable:
     76        value: "{{ split(serviceAccountNamespace, '-')[0] }}-*"
     77    match:
     78      any:
     79      - resources:
     80          kinds:
     81            - Namespace
     82            - ProjectRequest
     83            - Project
     84    preconditions:
     85      all:
     86      - key: "{{ request.operation }}"
     87        operator: Equals
     88        value: CREATE
     89      - key: "{{ serviceAccountName }}"
     90        operator: NotEquals
     91        value: ""
     92      - key: "{{ namespaceprefix }}"
     93        operator: NotIn
     94        value:
     95        - openshift
     96        - kube
     97    validate:
     98      message: |
     99        Only serviceAccounts from `*-cicd` namespaces are allowed to create new
    100        namespaces, and then only when they share the namespace-prefix, in this case:
    101        {{ allowedsanamespaceprefixes }}        
    102      deny:
    103        conditions:
    104          any:
    105          - key: "{{ namespacepostfix }}"
    106            operator: NotIn
    107            value:
    108            - cicd
    109          - key: "{{}}"
    110            operator: AnyNotIn
    111            value: "{{ allowedsanamespaceprefixes }}"

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